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My Presentation – Distance Education

6 Oct

This is a very and pretty short presentation on Nature of Distance Education

Also this presentation has been sent to for peer review.

Feel free to send me your comments and suggestions on this presentation.


The Time for your Dreams is NOW!!!

6 Oct

The time is now or never…


One On One Coaching with Ekow Mensah

There is a season for your dreams and your purpose on earth, holding yourself back and delaying the implementation of your ideas, dreams and aspirations will only minimize or make its impact irrelevant. Imagine releasing an “Azonto” song in an “Alqaeda” season. The Bible puts it more accurately: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Eccl 3:1 NIV).

Go on, procrastinate as long as you want. Turn your excuses into harmonious hymns. At the end you will only find that the world has moved past it’s need for the impact of your dreams or ideas.

Come on buddy, DO IT NOW…Get to work on it now. A day at a time and a step at a time taken consistently will get you closer to the actualization of your dreams in its season. Waste no more time! The conditions will not be as…

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The Man who thinks he can…

6 Oct

You are definitely what you think you are


If you think you are beaten,you are, 
If you think you dare not, you don`t. 
If you`d like to win, but think you cant`t, 
It`s almost a cinch you won`t. 
If you think you`ll lose, you`ve lost, 
for out in this world we find, 
success begins with a fellow`s will: 
It`s all in the state of mind.
If you think you`re out classed, you are: 
You`ve got to think high to rise. 
You`ve got to be sure of yourself before 
You can ever win a prize. 
Life`s battles don`t always go 
To the stronger or faster man, 
But soon or late the man who wins, 
Is the one who thinks he can.

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