Archive | May, 2013

HTML Hunting in the World Around You

10 May

Image<blockquote> The HTML <blockquote> Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. Usually, this is rendered visually by indentation (see Notes for how to change it). A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a text representation of the source can be given using the <cite> element.

Image<menu> The HTML <menu> element represents an unordered list of menu choices, or commands. There is no limitation to the depth and nesting of lists defined with the <menu><ol> and <ul> elements.

Image<nav> The HTML Navigation Element (<nav>) represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links.




<time> The HTML time element (<time>) represents either time on a 24-hour clock or a precise date in the Gregorian calendar (with optional time and timezone information).

Some Tags for You to Meet

10 May

Here’s the list of tags that I have research
  • <div>The HTML <div> element (or HTML Document Division Element) is the generic container for flow content, which does not inherently represent anything.
  • <blockquote> The HTML <blockquote> Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. Usually, this is rendered visually by indentation (see Notes for how to change it). A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a text representation of the source can be given using the <cite> element.
  • <p> The HTML <p> element (or HTML Paragraph Element) represents a paragraph of text.
  • <ol> The HTML <ol> Element (or HTML Ordered List Element) represents an ordered list of items. Typically, ordered-list items are displayed with a preceding numbering, which can be of any form, like numerals, letters or Romans numerals or even simple bullets
  • <ul> The HTML unordered list element (<ul>) represents an unordered list of items, namely a collection of items that do not have a numerical ordering, and their order in the list is meaningless. Typically, unordered-list items are displayed with a bullet, which can be of several forms, like a dot, a circle or a squared.
  • <li> The HTML List item element (<li>) is used to represent a list item. It should be contained in an ordered list (<ol>), an unordered list (<ul>) or a menu (<menu>), where it represents a single entity in that list.
  • <nav> The HTML Navigation Element (<nav>) represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links.
  • <menu> The HTML <menu> element represents an unordered list of menu choices, or commands. There is no limitation to the depth and nesting of lists defined with the <menu><ol> and <ul> elements.
  • <span> The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang.
  • <time> The HTML time element (<time>) represents either time on a 24-hour clock or a precise date in the Gregorian calendar (with optional time and timezone information).
  • <q> The HTML <q> Element (or HTML Quote Element) indicates that the enclosed text is a short inline quotation. This element is intended for short quotations that don’t require paragraph breaks, for long quotations use <blockquote> element.
  • <img> The HTML <img> Element (or HTML Image Element) represents an image of the document.


Hand written HTML tag Experience

9 May

Hand written HTML tag Experience.

Hand written HTML tag Experience

9 May

It a really pretty cool experience to start learning HTML by hand written. It feels some how tedious but I managed to do that on a sheet of paper.

I have to use Notepad ++ because it makes it easy for me to identify every line of tag i have typed and makes corrections easier for me if I have too many tags. Notepad ++ allows you to open multiple pages within a single window. It allows you to divide your work area and run your tags from your Notepad ++. Unlike Notepad, it look so simple and has no numbering features on my tags and looks too plain for my liking.Image

This experience I have acquire from will help me build a simple personal website with html tags.

The world should watch out for the new web developer with basic html tag knowledge.



This is my html tags I wrote in my Notepad ++ with tip

Mark Valentine Aikins (title tag in the head tag)

Hi World (my H1 tag)

This is very minimal “hello world” HTML document. (First paragraph tag)

I hope you will watch out for more (Second paragraph tag)


My Hand written HTML tag

9 May

My Hand written HTML tag

HelloWorld HTML